Sunday, October 31, 2004
It now be Halloween in grand rapids. God, we have no trick or treaters in 13 years. And the first night I stay home the flock to my house like two hobos on a piece of trash!! Well, her is some stuff you entertain you... One is FREAKY urban legends!! And the other one is a REALLY cool sighting of a REAL ghost! I watched it and I was so shocked!!........
+Admin Matt
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Lights, Camera, Finger?

Well....The presidential election is coming up, and I would like to throw out the funniest piece of humor in politics at you. Our president Bush, Giving The Finger to the camera!!! They were doing a camera check and he didn't know it was recording... It is pretty old, but I is REALLY him!!! Not edited AT ALL...... Mr. Bush, Didn't your mother teach you better!!!
(WARNING: If you watch the video, there is a website in the corner. DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT GO TO IT! It is a tasteless, website that depicts sexual content, and violence. I promise you. If you go to that web page you will be scared for life. They even show Iraqi beheadings!!! If you choose to go, you take full responsibility for your actions. I have warned you!!!!)
+Admin Matt
Friday, October 29, 2004
Nothing Says I Love You Like a Gold Plated Flash Player
Wow....Who would feel the need to buy a gold plated flash player!!!"only the best for my family, here you go son" "DAD!!!! I said I want a 24 carrot gold flash player, this is only 2, and I wanted mine encrusted with rubes!!TAKE IT BACK!!!" flash players are already cool, why make them gold!!! Its just another reason to spoil people!!! If they are going to make stuff for the rich people make it something that doesn't piss me off, like a gold plunger, or toilet paper lined with benjamins!!! Maybe they will give out the gold flash players out for Halloween!! I ACCEPT. Don't buy your girl friend a diamond ring, buy her a flash player plated with gold!!! Try to walk down my street with a gold flash player..... It will be gone and you will be dead, way, WAY, before they steal your shoes!! I'm going to buy a flash player and spray paint it gold!!! What happens when you get a defective gold flash player!!!! WORTHLESS
+Admin Matt
Give Me Liberty, Or At Least A New Drive
Well....well....well, we just keep kicking microsoft in the balls!! POWER TO THE MASSES!!! an xbox fan, sued microsoft for a defective dixk drive in his xbox....most people would just have them replace it...but oh no.....not this guy.....he felt betrayed!!! microsoft has been high and might for so long, if i had a clear shot i would kick them in the balls!! though i am looking foward to the new products micrsoft is comming out with, they are still bastards......I WILL ASSEMBLE THE MASSES, WE WILL RISE UP AND REVOLT AGAINST MICROSOFT..... GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME A GOD DAMN DISK DRIVE!!!!!!
+Admin Matt
This is the weirdest thing I've seen in a long time!!!And it has led me to believe that the whole 9/11 was just a GIANT conspiracy!!! Check out this flash movie, people say the 747 flew into the pentagon, but 15 minutes after the crash the 40,000 ton airplane vanished!!! Not even a dent in the ground!!! Check this out and tell me you don't believe it. IT PUT SOME QUESTIONS IN MY MIND!! (Note: pretty long, but worth it!!)
also check out this website about government cover-ups and stuff: The Smoking Gun
+Admin Matt
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Ashley (MTV Whore) Simpson
We now see Ashley Simpson for what she really is. At two faced little retard! She's all like "I am totally serious about my music, it is my life" and we find out she lip synchs! On the 24th she made a live appearance on SNL, and started playing "pieces of me" that alone pissed me off because she is a prep- wanna- be punk. Then she is about to start her next song, and the "pieces of me" starts playing again (vocals and all) then she does this HORRIBLE Hoe- down. She looked like some god damn retard!! Then she walks off stage. While her band continues to play for a minute after she left. When they got back from the commercial she said and I quote "what can I say, my band started to play the wrong song, and I didn't know what to do. So I thought I would do a ho-down!" Yeah right you MTV whore blame it on the band. Why would a band start playing the exact same song they just played. Well she is a natural blond!!!! And we all heard her vocals playing in the background! How does she explain that? i can imagine " It was my invisible twin, who sounds just like me started singing the wrong song, and if you believe this your are a stupid dumb ass!" and lets say the band did play the EXACT same song TWICE, the chances of ALL of them doing it at the EXACT same time, is very unlikely!!!! NO ONE LOVES YOU ANY MORE YOU STUPID MTV WHORE, GET A NEW CAREER!!! OR BETTER EXCUSES............. She looks like she has downers syndrome when she does that dance!!!
+Admin Matt
+Admin Matt
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
As you all probably know, if you wanted to listen to the music I've posted, TUFF LUCK! But now I have a file hoster, and now I will be posting ALOT of links with ALOT of music. First though I will make all of those useless links, ready for music! check'um out!!!
(NOTE:May Take a while to get everyting on the "up and up")
+Admin Matt
(NOTE:May Take a while to get everyting on the "up and up")
+Admin Matt
Monday, October 25, 2004
Halloween Mood
Well....Halloween will soon be here. A time for little children to dress in a "scary" costumes, teens to eggs houses, and adults to pass out candy injected with arsenic! "remember kids always check your candy", also if they look like a pedifile, they probably are! My advise stay away from the poor people's houses, they give out SHIT for candy. You will end up with smarties, or pennies. Who the Hell would give out pennies! They're thinking of the worst treat to give someone. My Advise, go to the rich houses, they will give out the good stuff. My last piece of Halloween advise: always, ALWAYS, bring more than one costume, so you can go around and "collect" more than once. Although I am too old to go trick or treating, I hope my tips, will give you the fattest fucking sack of candy you could ever want. If those stupid poor people give you shit for candy, tell them to get a job, and throw the candy at their window!!! To get you in the Halloween mood, I have a song by the Insane Clown Posse - The Great Milenko. Listen to it with the lights off, IT IS SCARY. I'm sitting in soiled pants. Also, if you do go trick or treating get a scary costume, no of this queer power rangers, or Harry - Butthole - Pussy - Potter stuff. Watch out people Admin(T.P. Tosser)Matt maybe visiting your house with some Toilet Paper!!
Saturday, October 23, 2004
The New Used....But How Can Something Used be New?

This post is to promote The Used's new CD In Love And Death! IT KICKS ASS! They are now one of my favorite bands! This song is the first one off of their CD. You decide ( P.S. if you don't think is an awesome band I will personally visit you and stick my foot so far up your ass, you will be burping out my shoe!)
Check out the Website: The Used
I am totally convinced now that the in for real. Alex Albrecht of the screen savers team, on g4 tech TV received today his freeipod, and showed it to everyone on live TV. And I am hell bent on getting one, so if you complete an offer under me, I will give the first 5 an amazing prize, I will try to make the prize the full movie of Team America World Police!!! If no one signs up under me, I will have no other choice but to rain a pestilence upon your heads!
follow the link: My Ipod Refferal Link
+Admin Matt
follow the link: My Ipod Refferal Link
+Admin Matt
Friday, October 22, 2004
The Patriot Act
Ok, in my school we had a poll on various subjects, like "are you for abortion?" do you support the Patriot Act?" and I say Yes I do support the patriot act. Not two seconds after I said that to my friends did a girl who sits in front of me in geometry say "you are for the patriot act? So....You are for racial profiling?" give me a break! The patriot act is for protecting America! Yeah I agree there MAY be SOME racial profiling, but that is just their professional experience. For all you who do not know what the patriot act is. Whenever you check out a book, the FBI checks what book you Checked out. So if you check out " how to make a bomb in 1.000656756 seconds", the FBI will see that and probably come arrest you! And that protects America, the towel heads who are responsible for 9/11 check out various books on bomb making, if the patriot act was around, it would have likely prevented 9/11 and saved a lot of lives, so lets weight the options "save MILLIONS of lives, or allow people to take out books on how to build bombs, just so we won't have any racial profiling" The girl who brought this up in the first place said " well.....If some rich white guy checked out a book on how to make bombs and said it was for his sons science project, the FBI would look the other way!" ARE YOU STUPID! What science project would need you to build a bomb!!! And it doesn't matter what race you are, if you are checking out books that teach you to make products that could harm, you should be arrested!! Or at least looked into!!! I hate Liberals!! Your a bunch of aging hippy liberal douches!!! You only want to think outside the box, for the sake of thinking outside the box!
+Admin Matt
+Admin Matt
Dreamers of Day
Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that all was vanity, but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men for they may act their dream with open eyes and make it possible.
+Admin Matt
+Admin Matt
Devil's Advocate
well, it is official, you can call this black beard month, because this month is all about pirating. First it was Halo 2, now the upcoming Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has been pirated and published on the web. This is not in french, so i think if you pass up this great deal, you are a moron. They company that made GTA:San Andreas will be nothing but hypocrites if they prosecute. They made a game that advocates theft, so if would be VERY hypocritical of them to prosecute. I personally like vice city better, San Andreas it looks like your some kind of gang member. Where's Tommy Vercetti, The new GTA is a cross breed with a little SIMs in it. you have to get your hair cut regularly, and if you don't go to the gym you will get fat! and what you eat effects you. That takes the fun out of the game, i would like to spend my time beating old women with a baseball bat, and stealing their cars, than when i should get my hair done. GTA: San Andreas - DOWNGRADE!
+Admin Matt
+Admin Matt
Thursday, October 21, 2004
If You Got An Ass, We'll Kick It
Some hackers broken into UC Berkly where more than 600,000 californians socail security numbers are held. They Dont think that anyone copied or download anything, but guys if thier smart enough to hack into your computers, they're probaly smart enough to not be detected. This is the biggest recorded hack in history!I think this kick will knock some of those people from california off thier pedestal! i bet govenor Schwarzenegger is probally not too happy! i can just imagine him going and standing infront of the computers "Tell, me who hacked you......c'mon tell me! i will teriminate you.......Tell me Now! i am Arnold Schwarzenegger....ok......who is your dady, and what does he do? and Goerge Bush "i......i thinkded we need to find out who got past your rotary system and bypasted the fiber-optic hub, and um......who forgot to call norton" oh... and John Kerry " George Bush doesn't want to fix this problem, he is probably the one who did it, i won 3 purple hearts, and we must fix this problem......oh and Dick Chaney's daughter is a Lesbian!"
for more information go to: Hackers, Unite!
+Admin Matt
for more information go to: Hackers, Unite!
+Admin Matt
A supposed scam is going around about free ipods. by gratus internet (don't know if i spelled it right) is giving away free ipods if you refer 5 friends, and complete an offer. But once you get on (if you ever do) it will have on the shiny back of your ipod will be engraved "FREEIPODS.COM" just so everyone can know how cheap you are. I would like to test this scam, but i need 5 referals. if you follow the link and sign up, and complete an offer, i will give you a gmail account or some MP3 (which will be legal so you won't get caught by the feds.) Alex Albrecht Of the Screen Savers signed up for a free ipod more than two months ago. help me out here. If you sign up and complete an offer under me and i recieve a free ipod, i will tell all you guys and girls, and i will post your refferal link on my blog so everyone else can help you! please help me, help you. follow the link :
+Admin Matt
Give Me More Or Give Me Less, But Hopefully More
Now you can use your Gmail account for a virtual drive in your computer!GMail Drive is a Shell Namespace Extension that creates a virtual drive in the Windows Explorer, allowing you to use your Google GMail account as a storage medium. so for all you poor people who can't afford to buy a bigger hard drive or people who just need more space you can use Gmail's 1 Gig of storage for something besides your porno membership emails and all the hate mail that is sent to you. I think i will try this out because i want more space! and two i love screwin over big companys. Google is getting to big for its own good. Word is they will be MAYBE comming out with an instant messanger. If they do i bet we will find a way to screw them over using that! but until then save your crap on the G Drive it will save space on your Hard Drive. Unless you stupid enough to fill them both up. And if you are on a family computer, you can save your porn to it and your family won't be the wiser. I in no way condone the degration of women.......blah blah blah.........
"Hey Nader, Gay rights! If you don't support gay rights you might wanna take that pole out of your ass"
Triumph the Insult Comic Dog
+Admin Matt
"Hey Nader, Gay rights! If you don't support gay rights you might wanna take that pole out of your ass"
Triumph the Insult Comic Dog
+Admin Matt
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
The Pause
My sincerest apologies, I must now end Jimmy Eat World Month, I have to give it back to the old lady I'm "fixing" it for.....i mean i need to send it in for repairs. So when I get back I will jump right to the end and post around 10 songs on one blog post, and their new video "Pain" the old woman is crying "Is my computer fixed yet" NO I'm too busy using it for my own pleasure while my other one is in the shop. But I must return it! So if you are displeased about the tragic premature death of Jimmy Eat World Month, blame the old bag across the street!
+Admin Matt
+Admin Matt
Be Gentle, It's Still A Virgin

Virgin Mobile announced earlier this month their First Camera Phone! They were release on the fifth of the month and I am still tryin to get my hands on one of those little bastards! Since Virgin mobile is a Teenager based cell phone provider it is only common sense that they would come out with a camera phone. I believe this is the step Virgin Mobile needs to get it up their with the top providers. I just looked at it and fell in love (strictly platonic, or is it???) and at a price of $160.00 I will surely be purchasing one. Also a Great Feature Virgin Mobile is offering is REAL music ring tones, it is an actual clip of the song you pick! The prices of these ring tones however is at the least $2.50! Virgin Mobile, If your such a teen base cell phone company. LOWER THE DAMN PRICES! What do you think I'm made of money??? O crap, I sound just like my father! No matter how rich or poor you are your parents all say the same thing "money doesn't grow on trees" Trust me if it did I would be the first person riding that gravy train! but virgin mobile in my opinion is a great company checkout their website : Virgin Mobile! I think you did good with this move Virgin M. I mean what teen doesn't want a camera phone. Some people want it to take pictures of friends and family. Others want to make a moblog. And some people like to go into women's clothing stores and.....Well....dudes stay in your own dressing area. No body had in mind what you are doing when they built the camera into the phone! This phone has great features. I will go a little more into detail when I get my hands on this slippery little monkey!
+Admin Matt
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Cell Phone : The Devil's Tool

"MONTERREY, Mexico - It was the reporters who noticed first. Unable to call their editors while covering the weddings of the rich and famous, they asked the priest why their cell phones never worked at Sacred Heart. His reply: Israeli counterintelligence." First of all who in Mexico has a cellphone? and why do priests think God is more important than cell calls? i'm only joking, by now you all think i'm some anti-christ, but just know i love my lord very back to whats important, once again just kidding! i don't really think the church has a right to tell people when they can and can't use thier cellphone, although you shouldn't use your cell phone in church. i don't think they have a right to do that. what if some one was trying to call me to tell me one of my relitives died, or my doctor saying i have two days to live. its not like people are telling the priest to pause from his mass saying "i gotta take this" i just think the church should keep its nose out of my phone and worry about God! i'll get a jammer to jam the cell phone jammer. If they haven't made one of those they should! Well, i can tell you one thing, the lord will see alot less of me in church if they start doing that in america. despite what some priests say, the cellphone is not evil. Yeah some of these priest have no business telling us whats evil, as i recal father o'malley took a peak under a little alterboy's Frock?
(NOTE: I made up the name Father O'Malley, if there is really a father O'Malley out there I opologize, I made the name up!)
+Admin Matt
The True Sign of The Apocalypse

Nintendo DS vs. Sony PSP. Two of the most anticipated handhelds to come out this year. PSP promises to have the better graphics, but Nintendo promises to have better capabilities. Nintendo made a wise move making the price so low ($149.00), it might just be what makes them come out on top! Sony on the other hand set their prices as high as $300.00 or a little bit less!The Graphics for the PSP are outstanding, you forget you are looking at a handheld devise. the PSP has mp3 capabilities and movie playback, it has some of the hottest titles for its release, but they are trying to beat the clock to have it ready in time! The PSP is also very customizable, they have different skins, and other add-ons. But with a price so high i don't think they will be rushed off the shelves as fast as the DS! The DS is has ALOT of functions, and it ceases to amaze me how many it has. One thing the DS has that will revolutionize handhelds is the touchscreen, it makes gameplay suprisingly easier. They also have some hot titles to be released. What Will, in my opinion, knock PSP out of the race is its server capabilities. with wireless access, you can "jump" from one server to the next. I can play with people who are in Europe from america! it acts as a wireless network. example:
Me- Three Friends in range of DS (Bobby, Joe, and Rodger)
Joe - Three Friends in range of DS ( Sarah, Alex, and Kevin)
Alex - Three Friends in range of DS ( Leo, Patrick, and Dan)
with the DS's Wireless network capabilities I (ME) can play Leo, Patrick, and Dan, because they are in range of alex's DS, and Alex is in range of joe's DS, and Joe is in range of my DS. The DS also has Game Servers. So if someone else on the Wireless network has a game and you want to play them but you don't have that game, you can just upload it from a person who has it! that will knock PSP out of the water! PSP has wireless capabilities, but i have yet to know what for! Sony has come out with a new type of disk (UMD) it will make it so you can not pirate thier games! nintendo is like "What the hell, your going to do it anyway. Why don't we let you!" i guess within 4 months after UMD disks are released they will be pirated! Now when the DS is release its wireless network and game servers will be free, but i have yet to find out if they will charge after they get everything settled down! so keep your eyes open! The PSP's graphics beat the DS by a mile, but the DS's capabilities, win overall. So in my opinion the DS is the way to go with its affordable price, and great capabilities! tell me who you think will win: DS vs. PSP?
+Admin Matt
Jimmy Eat World Month
In honor of my favorite band Jimmy Eat World's upcoming CD I declare this Jimmy Eat World Month. I will try to Post a Jimmy Eat World song every other day till the end of the month, and at The First day of November I will play there new video "Pain" which will be feature on the New Tony Hawk Game! Enjoy, and Have A Happy Jimmy Eat World Month!:
+Admin Matt
TAXI (A.K.A Jimmy Fallon Crying Like a Baby)

I recently saw Taxi with Queen Latifah and Jimmy Fallon, overall I would recommend this movie. I liked the car chases (forward and backwards!) although i LOVE the model bank robbers, I feel it is a ploy to get pubescent boys, not unlike myself and old creepy men to come watch it. Queen Latifah did great acting in this movie, Jimmy Fallon on the otherhand spent almost the whole movie whining and crying. I mean if they wanted a whining crying man they should have casted Richard Simmons and held a cheesburger by his face the whole moive or threatened to take away his short-shorts! The movie was comical, but I think what they lacked in comedy they made up for with HOT models, and fast cars.But Honestly how many Hot bank robbers have you seen,me?none! For all you guys there is a part where one of the model bank robbers frisks the FEMALE chieft of police. and trust me she frisks EVERYWHERE! all in all I would recommend this movie. Next week I will try to review "Team America World Police" by Matt Stone and Trey Parker, The Creators of Southpark!
+Admin Matt
Friday, October 15, 2004
You Think You're So Smart

Are you kidding me! How stupid does Apple think we are. Do they think we are a bunch of hicks. "Pick up your Imac and move it!" This proves once again that apple feels they are far superior than the customer. What do they think, we don’t know our heads from our asses! I can’t understand what kind of moronic jackass would not know how to carry an Imac. The person who asked this initial question in the first place 1.) Shouldn’t be near an Imac let alone operating one! and 2.) Doesn’t have and education past the 2nd grade! If I want to know how to pick up an Imac G5 I will go ask the 1st grader down the street how to do it! I may just be 14 but I know how to pick up a damn Imac! what’s next "How to Turn on Your Imac G5", or "How to Buy and Imac G5: 1.) Go to Store 2.) Find our product 3.) if you don’t know how to pick it up read on how to carry your Imac G5 4.) Give money to the Cashier 5.) if you still don’t know how the rest goes, why don’t you rent a hotel room, go to the roof, and jump off you stupid dumb ass!"
+ Admin Matt
Thursday, October 14, 2004
French Pirated Halo 2

Microsoft's upcoming 'Halo 2' is set to be released next month but it seems some pirate sites have gotten a hold of the code for the French Halo 2. Now a French version of Halo 2 is circulating around the internet. This remarkable turn of events happend not more than 6 HOURS AGO. "Get it while its hot". I say "why the hell not" go ahead and get it. There are subtitles for it, but the cut scenes are in French. Lets weight the options. "wait a month and then shell out some cash, and there is no certainty that the store will be in stock. Or play a free French version." I'LL TAKE IT MR. FRENCH. go ahead and play it. Microsoft is crying like little babies (honestly I would too) about it. They call it theft, I call it payback. I mean we PC users deserve something for the abomination that is windows 95-98SE. I deserve a little halo 2 for all the times I've seen that godforsaken "Blue Screen of Death" hey knock yourselves out halo fans. And if you speak french it will make the revenge against Microsoft all the more sweet! to get more information on this "French Pirate" Go to
+Admin Matt