French Pirated Halo 2

Microsoft's upcoming 'Halo 2' is set to be released next month but it seems some pirate sites have gotten a hold of the code for the French Halo 2. Now a French version of Halo 2 is circulating around the internet. This remarkable turn of events happend not more than 6 HOURS AGO. "Get it while its hot". I say "why the hell not" go ahead and get it. There are subtitles for it, but the cut scenes are in French. Lets weight the options. "wait a month and then shell out some cash, and there is no certainty that the store will be in stock. Or play a free French version." I'LL TAKE IT MR. FRENCH. go ahead and play it. Microsoft is crying like little babies (honestly I would too) about it. They call it theft, I call it payback. I mean we PC users deserve something for the abomination that is windows 95-98SE. I deserve a little halo 2 for all the times I've seen that godforsaken "Blue Screen of Death" hey knock yourselves out halo fans. And if you speak french it will make the revenge against Microsoft all the more sweet! to get more information on this "French Pirate" Go to
+Admin Matt
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