Friday, October 22, 2004

The Patriot Act

Ok, in my school we had a poll on various subjects, like "are you for abortion?" do you support the Patriot Act?" and I say Yes I do support the patriot act. Not two seconds after I said that to my friends did a girl who sits in front of me in geometry say "you are for the patriot act? So....You are for racial profiling?" give me a break! The patriot act is for protecting America! Yeah I agree there MAY be SOME racial profiling, but that is just their professional experience. For all you who do not know what the patriot act is. Whenever you check out a book, the FBI checks what book you Checked out. So if you check out " how to make a bomb in 1.000656756 seconds", the FBI will see that and probably come arrest you! And that protects America, the towel heads who are responsible for 9/11 check out various books on bomb making, if the patriot act was around, it would have likely prevented 9/11 and saved a lot of lives, so lets weight the options "save MILLIONS of lives, or allow people to take out books on how to build bombs, just so we won't have any racial profiling" The girl who brought this up in the first place said " well.....If some rich white guy checked out a book on how to make bombs and said it was for his sons science project, the FBI would look the other way!" ARE YOU STUPID! What science project would need you to build a bomb!!! And it doesn't matter what race you are, if you are checking out books that teach you to make products that could harm, you should be arrested!! Or at least looked into!!! I hate Liberals!! Your a bunch of aging hippy liberal douches!!! You only want to think outside the box, for the sake of thinking outside the box!

+Admin Matt