Be Gentle, It's Still A Virgin

Virgin Mobile announced earlier this month their First Camera Phone! They were release on the fifth of the month and I am still tryin to get my hands on one of those little bastards! Since Virgin mobile is a Teenager based cell phone provider it is only common sense that they would come out with a camera phone. I believe this is the step Virgin Mobile needs to get it up their with the top providers. I just looked at it and fell in love (strictly platonic, or is it???) and at a price of $160.00 I will surely be purchasing one. Also a Great Feature Virgin Mobile is offering is REAL music ring tones, it is an actual clip of the song you pick! The prices of these ring tones however is at the least $2.50! Virgin Mobile, If your such a teen base cell phone company. LOWER THE DAMN PRICES! What do you think I'm made of money??? O crap, I sound just like my father! No matter how rich or poor you are your parents all say the same thing "money doesn't grow on trees" Trust me if it did I would be the first person riding that gravy train! but virgin mobile in my opinion is a great company checkout their website : Virgin Mobile! I think you did good with this move Virgin M. I mean what teen doesn't want a camera phone. Some people want it to take pictures of friends and family. Others want to make a moblog. And some people like to go into women's clothing stores and.....Well....dudes stay in your own dressing area. No body had in mind what you are doing when they built the camera into the phone! This phone has great features. I will go a little more into detail when I get my hands on this slippery little monkey!
+Admin Matt
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