Cell Phone : The Devil's Tool

"MONTERREY, Mexico - It was the reporters who noticed first. Unable to call their editors while covering the weddings of the rich and famous, they asked the priest why their cell phones never worked at Sacred Heart. His reply: Israeli counterintelligence." First of all who in Mexico has a cellphone? and why do priests think God is more important than cell calls? i'm only joking, by now you all think i'm some anti-christ, but just know i love my lord very much.....now back to whats important, once again just kidding! i don't really think the church has a right to tell people when they can and can't use thier cellphone, although you shouldn't use your cell phone in church. i don't think they have a right to do that. what if some one was trying to call me to tell me one of my relitives died, or my doctor saying i have two days to live. its not like people are telling the priest to pause from his mass saying "i gotta take this" i just think the church should keep its nose out of my phone and worry about God! i'll get a jammer to jam the cell phone jammer. If they haven't made one of those they should! Well, i can tell you one thing, the lord will see alot less of me in church if they start doing that in america. despite what some priests say, the cellphone is not evil. Yeah some of these priest have no business telling us whats evil, as i recal father o'malley took a peak under a little alterboy's Frock?
(NOTE: I made up the name Father O'Malley, if there is really a father O'Malley out there I opologize, I made the name up!)
+Admin Matt
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