TAXI (A.K.A Jimmy Fallon Crying Like a Baby)

I recently saw Taxi with Queen Latifah and Jimmy Fallon, overall I would recommend this movie. I liked the car chases (forward and backwards!) although i LOVE the model bank robbers, I feel it is a ploy to get pubescent boys, not unlike myself and old creepy men to come watch it. Queen Latifah did great acting in this movie, Jimmy Fallon on the otherhand spent almost the whole movie whining and crying. I mean if they wanted a whining crying man they should have casted Richard Simmons and held a cheesburger by his face the whole moive or threatened to take away his short-shorts! The movie was comical, but I think what they lacked in comedy they made up for with HOT models, and fast cars.But Honestly how many Hot bank robbers have you seen,me?none! For all you guys there is a part where one of the model bank robbers frisks the FEMALE chieft of police. and trust me she frisks EVERYWHERE! all in all I would recommend this movie. Next week I will try to review "Team America World Police" by Matt Stone and Trey Parker, The Creators of Southpark!
+Admin Matt
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