Thursday, November 25, 2004

Thanks Giving

Well....Happy fuckin turkey day....... So grab your bird of choice whether it be turkey, chicken, ostrich, or that tofurkey! Just have your self a happy fuckin day... Cause if you don't I will detonate the bomb I've planted in your "so called" bird of choice! Just for today let all your worries go...Because the whole world is going to hell any ways! So pig your fucking face out you little bastards! And the tofurkey eaters....Well I just plain don't like you! Stuff your fucking face because we are the fattest bunch of mother fuckers on this planet!

cheers bitches

+Admin Matt

Wednesday, November 24, 2004


Well.....Bitches.... If you didn't no I wanted a moblog....Well....You do now.... But I unfortunately don't have a camera phone yet! So I have started a COMMUNITY moblog.... Where you post any picture you want!! Any.... I won't stop you!! Just go to the website and send the picture using the address at the top of the website!! Its hella kool....Go ahead!! Anything you want...And over to the side it will show the most recent image from my moblog!! And if you don't know what a moblog is you have no point in reading this post....Or existing a a society! Here my moblog :

have fun!

Cheers Bitches!

+Admin Matt

The Guts of a DS

Ok.....I'm tired as fuck...... But I am very pleased with my week off....... Oh yes....Thank you Jesus! Now I first started this blog to do tech reviews....And I was going good....Until I got caught up in this taking over the world thing....... But now since I rule the world it is time to do a little more tech.... So starting off this "new chapter" is the DS....

Are you like me? Do you love taking things apart to see what the look like and get a better image of how they work......Who the fuck cares......Because I do! And I don't give a fuck if I break it in the process......I'll just go get a new one!! And since the forthcoming of the DS I wanted to see its guts! So I search around and came up with these--this is too funny.......The guts ripped out of a DS..... For more pictures of this check it out here more tech reviews are on the way!! So remember don't piss your pants.....And put down the Halo 2 for a while...... ya know get in good with the ladies.......

Cheers Bitches

+Admin Matt

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Finial blow

I gave lanky joles a finial chance for deliverance! He laughed at my offer.... Now he will pay... We all know I am the supreme being....And his feeble attemps just bore me... I even offered him a chance to be commander of my kitten army! No....He refuses..... Now you have angered my.... You had the chance to give up....But now you will die on your knees like a dog... My kitten army is to take you out on sight....Be ware I have my green Beret kitten:

and my sniper kitten:

I believe that is check mate?? U LOSE!!! You should have taken my offer... Now don't go saying "well.... No I didn't lose.... I'm wining" ......YOU LOST take your punishment like a man....!!!!


Monday, November 22, 2004

Search engine part 2

Hey bitches...How has life been treating you... My guess its treating you like a crack whore with a red headed step child (not so good). Well....My site is now a part of the google and yahoo search engines... So if you go to yahoo or google, type in Apocalypse in a Bottle you will find my site... This has made me happier than Michael Jackson at a boy scout meeting! I have yet to finish revamping my site....But HTML coding is a bitch....Especially since I have no professional training... Its all trial and error with me! In a little bit of science and tech new because I, of course, am a computer geek. My friend recently received his Nintendo DS.....Played it for about 10 mins and the screen busted.... I don't know if it was faulty wiring but.....C'mon Nintendo.. If you want me to take you seriously don't make my friends DS faulty... How ironic too.. I want to know how good the DS is and my friends ends up showing me how careless they can be! He did how ever have a good review on it...And I would go get it myself. But my money priorities are set on other things! Anyway....... I don't really know how man y people are seeing this site, and I really don't care. This thing is my free for all, where everything counts! No guidelines, parameters....Just me! But if you do like my site spread the word! Tell your friends! But either way the world is a circus, and I am the ring leader!!! And finally I would like to announce something that has really erked me.... I am a high school student if you didn't already know that....Now you do.... And my English teacher called in sick on Friday.... And comes back Monday, and her apple laptop was stolen out of her room.... That fuckin pisses me off beyond reason! She is like a 50 year old woman!!! Are you that poor! Well.... No body steals a little old ladie's laptop and gets away with it while I'm around! Especially since the apple laptops have a special place in my heart! Just so you know.... I will find the twisted bastard that did this, cut off his nuts, staple them to a piece of paper and send it to their grandma as a Christmas card!!

cheers you can't buy a laptop, steal it from an old ladie welfare bastards

+Admin Matt

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Search Engine all are probably shitting your pants because of the new look....Well.... I though it was way past due... So enjoy..And there is many more surprises in store..... Oh, don't be little Tom Clancy snipper bastards......runnin sealthy like around my website and not even posting a comment.... Well... I now have a shout box and all you little bitches better put something in it... I'm runnin out of kittens!

Cheers Bictches

+Admin Matt

Thursday, November 18, 2004

A War Of Two Worlds

Well.... If you haven't been paying attention, or your just a retard.... You probably don't know of the raging conflict between me and my friend lanky Joles..... He seems to think HE rules the world...But I beg to differ... I will reign supreme over this universe...And all who oppose me will burn in the oven with the kittens!! I will have a statue erected of me.... Mighty admin matt! With lanky Joel kissing my feet... He will feed me grapes every day at 3:00 ....And give me all of his socks....And then I will make him do a relay race. First he will run on a pile of broken glass...Make me a perfect grilled cheese sandwich..And since I hate grill cheese he will have to run back and throw it away... Then he will have to walk S....L...O...W...L...Y on a bed of hot coals... Kiss my feet, run back, retrieve the grilled cheese sandwich, and run back...Because as I said before... I hate grilled cheese! And finally he will have to make sweet, sweet love to a 40 year old llama named birtha! Take that lanky Joel... I have my plan set...Get with it....Your attempts to rule the world are futile.... And since you even tried to take over MY world... The kitten sacrifices will double....No wait.... I will spare the lives of the kittens...And in return the will help me destroy lanky Joel and his blasphemous deeds... You will pay for your treason....In blood!! AHAHAHAHAH!!! When are you going to learn.... i'm infallible

Cheers you blasphemous lanky bitches

+Admin Matt

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Average Joe

Well....Its official... The public school system has failed me... To their standards I am just an average dumbass like president Bush! I am a lot smarter than I let on.. How else could I come up with these catchy one-liners? But they will find out how smart I am when I rule the world! They will have to sacrifice kittens to me...... I shall enjoy the bountiful offering! As you may have noticed there are a couple new additions to my compacted apocalypse.... If you are tired of spending every second checking my little desolate sanctuary.... You can join my mailing list... And for the hell of it I put a poll up.... Go ahead...Vote! In science and tech news.... It seems NASA has created a jet that can travel at mock fuckin 10 (7,000 miles per hour)! OR TWO MILES PER SECOND !! click this link to see actual video footage of this take off ! i will deicate a post to this subject later.Why in the hell would someone need to go that fast! check this shit out! also I am proud to call myself a michigander!!! I was searching the internet and found a guy who pushes the envelope, even further than me and my dead kittens! Check out this evil bastard! Stupid Evil Bastard (he also is a Michigander!) in all seriousness I don't want PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) on my ass for the killing the kitten thing... PETA if you are reading this I was only kidding, I'm not killing kittens.....I'm killing puppies.... HA HA.. No... I'm killing kittens!! And I will send your dead kitten in the mail! Let The Games Begin HA HA (NOTE: NOT ME FOUND ON INTERNET, THE KITTEN IS IN NO REAL DANGER, THE GUN WAS PHOTOSHOPED IN)

also one of my favorite comedian singer who infact sings a song tiltled "kill a kitten" received a letter from some tree hugging hippies! Here is a copy of that letter! stupid tree huggers!

and Stephen lynch (the comedian singer) also sings a song call gerbil. In which he puts a gerbil up his ass.....This is that song!!! ---> Gerbil . Well....This was a long ass post, was it as good for you as it was for me?

cheers bitches

+Admin Matt

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Lord Have Mercy on Their Souls!

I am severely disgusted with G4techtv.... They recently fired the best staff they will ever have in that group includes : yoshi, Alex, martin freakin sargent, Laura ect... How dare you g4. take your sad excuse for a network and sodomise each other with it... You can kiss the fattest part of my ass! This is an outrage!!! I though with the loss of Patrick TSS wouldn't be as good... It wasn't the best content wise, but it was just as good! Now you have about 3 people on the show.... You all can go to hell...To hell I say! I hope a better company reopens tech TV.... NO....Not that gay ass g4 tech TV...Just tech TV. G4 is now all about video games.. Yeah their fun.. But no one is going to watch an entire network practically devoted to them. Wake up you fuckin retards! get a clue! God damn I want to kill you all right now... I feel really bad for Alex Albrecht especially! He was on the show for like 2 fuckin months. You can not by any means give a man a taste of glory, and then take it away! Screw you all responsible for this travesty! Screw you, screw your mom, your dad, your children, your dog, and for the hell of it I will be screwin your wives!! Take that and ram it up your queer asses! You better thank the lord above that I live in Michigan.... If you were to pass me on the street....Well.... Lets just say, I would be the last person you pass! I want you all to die... Just die...Right now...Go ahead!! You had no right!!! No more of the funniest late night g4 talk show host, martin sargent. No more of the mad modder, yoshi. And how dare you get rid of a guy who spent only two months with you, Alex! Soon g4 will be a network rip off, like PBS! You will be two or three guys in a basement talking about your mundane lives of no women, halo, and diet Pepsi! A network, any humane network, start a new TSS spin off (There is nothin wrong with a SPIN off, not Rip off!), and hire all the guys we grew to know and love. In the words of my lord Jesus Christ "fuck you right up the ass with a hammer" I would like to put some links for petitions to reinstate all of the people who have been fired on this blog...So if you feel as passionately about this as I do, sign a petition.. Lets show those bastards that you don't mess with a geeks tech intake, or you will feel the fuckin burn!!!

**Update** turns out tha those G4 pussies only bought Tech TV for the fan base... they thought they could buy thier fanbase, slowly dismantle the TECH in G4 tech tv. and still keep the fan base.. well... i am going to kill them all god damnit! here are the phone numbers as well for some of the Head queers at g4....lets piss them off like they pissed us off: Make me proud --- i can guess how those conversations will go.. fuckin cuss the bitches out!!!**

i've left some links that are based around this subject

Save Tss Petition

the truth about G4

cheers g4 corporate biches

+Admin Matt

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Good or Evil?

Well.... I haven't posted in a while, so I bet half of you have probably pissed your selves in anticipation...... I recently played Microsoft's Fable...And it is freakin-tastic..... The game is a free for all....... You can kick chickens....Beat up women and children. Anything you want! But remember....If you do bad things you will become evil....As you become more evil or good, your outward appearance changes. The more evil you get the longer your horns grow! You have freakin horns in the game.... You can be fuckin Satan! And eventually your eyes will turn a glowing red....And a red mist will follow you everywhere. If you want to beat up a child.....Go a head and do it....If you want to beat your wife....Go ahead and do it....You can also get married in the game, and there are some obvious perks, if you catch my drift!! Overall I think you would be a stupid crippled, ass licking, jockstrap sniffing, bastard if you don't play this game.....Go pick it up ass face..... Time is of the essence!!! I would like to apologies to all the people who pissed themselves in anticipation of my next post....How embarrassing for you........ Well..... I'll follow up later and try not to piss yourselves this time..... Your not one damn Christopher reeves who can't take a piss without the assistance of his wife!!!

!cheers bitches!

+Admin Matt

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