Lord Have Mercy on Their Souls!

I am severely disgusted with G4techtv.... They recently fired the best staff they will ever have in that group includes : yoshi, Alex, martin freakin sargent, Laura ect... How dare you g4. take your sad excuse for a network and sodomise each other with it... You can kiss the fattest part of my ass! This is an outrage!!! I though with the loss of Patrick TSS wouldn't be as good... It wasn't the best content wise, but it was just as good! Now you have about 3 people on the show.... You all can go to hell...To hell I say! I hope a better company reopens tech TV.... NO....Not that gay ass g4 tech TV...Just tech TV. G4 is now all about video games.. Yeah their fun.. But no one is going to watch an entire network practically devoted to them. Wake up you fuckin retards! get a clue! God damn I want to kill you all right now... I feel really bad for Alex Albrecht especially! He was on the show for like 2 fuckin months. You can not by any means give a man a taste of glory, and then take it away! Screw you all responsible for this travesty! Screw you, screw your mom, your dad, your children, your dog, and for the hell of it I will be screwin your wives!! Take that and ram it up your queer asses! You better thank the lord above that I live in Michigan.... If you were to pass me on the street....Well.... Lets just say, I would be the last person you pass! I want you all to die... Just die...Right now...Go ahead!! You had no right!!! No more of the funniest late night g4 talk show host, martin sargent. No more of the mad modder, yoshi. And how dare you get rid of a guy who spent only two months with you, Alex! Soon g4 will be a network rip off, like PBS! You will be two or three guys in a basement talking about your mundane lives of no women, halo, and diet Pepsi! A network, any humane network, start a new TSS spin off (There is nothin wrong with a SPIN off, not Rip off!), and hire all the guys we grew to know and love. In the words of my lord Jesus Christ "fuck you right up the ass with a hammer" I would like to put some links for petitions to reinstate all of the people who have been fired on this blog...So if you feel as passionately about this as I do, sign a petition.. Lets show those bastards that you don't mess with a geeks tech intake, or you will feel the fuckin burn!!!
**Update** turns out tha those G4 pussies only bought Tech TV for the fan base... they thought they could buy thier fanbase, slowly dismantle the TECH in G4 tech tv. and still keep the fan base.. well... i am going to kill them all god damnit! here are the phone numbers as well for some of the Head queers at g4....lets piss them off like they pissed us off: http://www.lostrealms.info/forum/viewtopic.php Make me proud --- i can guess how those conversations will go.. fuckin cuss the bitches out!!!**
i've left some links that are based around this subject
Save Tss Petition
the truth about G4
cheers g4 corporate biches
+Admin Matt
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