Tuesday, December 14, 2004


Well......Not much is going on in the tech world....Or my own life for that matter.... I am trying to make a flash intro for my apocalypse...And I am trying to go out on my own.... I would like to no longer have that damned .blospot.com Shit at the end of my web address. So I am trying to find a FREE host, that will allow me to have my own personal .COM web address. I know that is asking for a lot, but hey, I'm fucking admin matt. The mountains shall bow, and the trees shall roar at the snap of my fucking finger. If any one has any suggestions TELL ME. Here is a very interesting little movie about the history and the predicted future of google.


let the comments flow bitches....Let um' flow....Let um' flow....Let um' flow....

ok... About a week ago, xanga, blogger, AIM, E-mail (of any kind), and any type of online journal
has been banned at my school. It seems on a xanga, a kid from my school said they wanted to kill a teacher or some shit like that. Ok, the prick made a mistake, down blame us for it!! I doubt he really wanted to cause harm to the person, just get some anger out. For instance if I say " I want to kill George bush" its not that I want him dead.....Its just I want him not to live.....Anymore. But for a while that stuff is off limits. Well.....That's life

keep your heads up bitches, cause you never know who is running towards you to kick you in the balls.

cheers bitches

+Admin Matt

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Merry fuckin Christmas

Well...My little bitches...Christmas is coming, and it is time to spread good cheer towards our fellow man.... If by spread good cheer you mean beat up another woman over a tickle me elmo, then yes we are spreading good cheer! I thought I would reach into the deepest holes of the internet and try and find some great gift ideas for you tech. Junkies like myself!! Here you go bitches:

1). Ipod

a great gift idea would to get an ipod! Or ipod mini, or U2's ipod... What ever you want. Store enough songs on the ipod to drown out the groans of your drunken relatives! Rock on ipod nation!

2). virgin mobile's new $170.00 camera phone

this is great...And I myself will be getting one. It is a very cheap PREPAID cell phone. virgin mobile is a company that is mostly for teens. You pay 20 bucks, at least, every 90 days! That is fuckin good deal!! Go and by one and post dirty pictures on your moblog!

3). Nintendo DS

if you didn't get one when it came out... You probably have little or no chance of getting one now...You should have gotten one sooner dipshit! Many believe it is going to over power the PSP...You make the call....Great gift idea.

4). Laptop (any brand)

now you can't call yourself a tech junkie unless you have, or even want a laptop... It is the icing on our techie cake! I'm partial to Alienware...But they are one of the most expensive brands.

remember these are just some ideas.... This is not my list... I have a way better one! I'm not going to list 30 different things...That would be asinine...Just some sample ideas. I know I haven't posted in a while...But C'mon I do have a life...Or at least I think I do. There may be some new additions/changes to my blog. As you might know I am trying new coding every day. So flock around my blog like a hobo on a cheese sandwich or like a homo flocks to lipstick! I will try to update regularly....Oh and PS....If you want me to add your site to my links list....Just ask...Don't be little pussies!!

Daoists, Christians, Buddhists, and all you Atheists, too!Merry Fuckin' Christmas,To you!

cheer bitches

+Admin Matt

Friday, December 03, 2004

Alex Albrecht

Well... I want to get back into tech reviews, and so I shall....But that may be a little bit....So until then I would like to tell you that Alex Albrecht (a former T.S.S co-host) has bought a MAC.. I would have never guessed by the way he TOTALLY demolished a Mac on live TV!! But I think he felt he owed it to them!! For killing one of there brotherin!! By the way.... That for mentioned MAC is ok..And doing well!! It has gone through months of physical therapy!

check out his Mac HERE

tech reviews are on the way bitches

+Admin Matt